Global AgriInno Challenge 2024: Showcasing Innovation for Agrifood Transformation
The Global AgriInno Challenge 2024 concluded with resounding success, bringing together brilliant minds from across the globe to present their innovative solutions aimed at transforming the agrifood s...
Global AgriInno Challenge 2024: final competition coming!
The Global AgriInno Challenge 2024, co-organized by FAO and Zhejiang University, supported by Pinduoduo and Foreign Economic Cooperation Center, MARA, China
Global AgriInno Challenge 2024 Open Call
Global AgriInno Challenge 2024 is officially calling for proposals!
Digital Agriculture Forum 2022: successfully held virtually in Dec
09.12.2022. Rome. The Flexible Voluntary Contribution (FVC) sub-programme on Global Network Digital Agriculture Innovation Hubs held its first global event aimed at sharing knowledge and experiences f...
To watch the Pitch Event of the Global AgriInno Challenge 2022
The Global AgriInno Challenge 2022, co-organized by FAO and Zhejiang University, encourages youth and women to harness innovation, entrepreneurship, and technologies to address challenges related to ...
Digital Agriculture Forum 2022
The Digital Agriculture Forum (DAF) 2022 will take place in virtual mode via Zoom on 9 December 2022, Friday.
Grab the Chance to Grow Your Agrifood Business or Startup with FAO!
The Food and Agriculture Organization is inviting all agrifood businesses and startups from the Pacific, Maldives and Timor-Leste to apply for the Agrifood accelerator 2022.
Side event for the FAO Science and Innovation Forum 2022 : Innovation Dialogue
A common space for open, inclusive discussion for sharing robust science and evidence-based options for more efficient, invlusive, resillient, and sustainable agrifood systems
ICTforAg 2022
ICTforAg 2022 is to be held on March 9-10, 2022. It is sponsored by Feed the Future and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through the Deutsche Gesellschaft für...
The WSIS Prizes contest was developed in response to requests from the WSIS stakeholders to create an effective mechanism
Accelerating gastronomy tourism initiatives to achieve the SDGs Join us in building back better from COVID-19 with your ideas for a more inclusive, sustainable and resilient sector.
Dive-into the future of digital agriculture as envision by the youth at the Global AgriInno Challenge 2021
On 9 December, over 400 passionate audience from 53 countries attended the on-line Pitch Event of the Global AgriInno Challenge 2021 to witness 10 youth-led teams pitching their innovative solutions i...
Global AgriInno Challenge 2021:10 Selected Teams
The Global AgriInno Challenge 2021, jointly organized by the FAO and Zhejiang University, aims to encourage youth and women to harness innovation, entrepreneurship, and technologies to address challen...
Register now: Pitch Event of Global AgriInno Challenge 2021(9 December | 13:00 -15:00 CET)
Join us for the upcoming Pitch Event of the Global AgriInno Challenge (GAC) 2021 which will be held on Thursday, 9 December, 13:00-15:00 hours CET.
Agricultural robotics for climate-resilient food production
With a world population blooming toward 9.7 billion in 2050 and global food demand expected to rise by at least 70%, producing enough food to feed the world will prove to be a formidable and critical ...
The Global AgriInno Challenge 2021
Global AgriInno Challenge 2021 aims to harness innovation, entrepreneurship and digital technologies to address challenges related to the transformation from rural villages into ‘Digital Villages’
The ´Digital agriculture report: Rural e-commerce development: Experience from China´ is officially launched
Firstly presented during the session on ´E-Commerce for Agriculture and Rural Development, which was held on the 7th of May 2021 in close collaboration with the International Telecommunication Union (...
Register NOW: Launch event for the Global Action on Green Development of Special
You are warmly invited to the virtual launch event of the Global Action on Green Development of Special Agro-Products (SAPs): “One Country One Priority Product” (OCOP).
FAO, ITU and Zhejiang University shed lights jointly on the applications of digital technology and rural e-commerce for food production and security at WSIS Forum 2021
FAO, the International Telecommunication Union and Zheijang University are launching the Digital Agriculture Report at the World Summit on the Information Society Forum 2021 on 7 May
FAO, ITU and Zhejiang University are joining forces at WSIS Forum 2021
We are happy to invite you to WSIS Action Line C7 E-Agriculture session titled “E-commerce for Agriculture and Rural Development” and launch of the ‘Digital Agriculture Report’, co-organized by FAO, ...
The Digital Agriculture Forum 2020, an inspiration to create business with real impact for people with real needs
Aiming to foster an enabling ecosystem to accelerate the digital transformation of agri-food systems through leveraging on innovative business models and digital solutions and enhancing knowledge exch...
The Digital Agriculture Forum, a common space for innovative digital solutions and business models for all
The global economy has experienced enormous challenges this year due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Particularly, there are many difficult challenges that the agricultural sector in particular will have to...
New deadline for submissions to the Open Call for the Global AgriInno Challenge
FAO and Zhejiang University are co-organizing the Global AgriInno Challenge 2020 to harness innovation solutions in response to the challenges associated with distribution and sales of agri-food produ...
Global AgriInno Challenge 2020: the List of Experts is available
More news coming regarding the Global AgriInno Challenge 2020! The event is taking shape and the list of the experts has just been released. You can check it by downloading the PDF attached.
New deadline for submissions to the Open Call for the Global AgriInno Challenge
Global AgriInno Challenge 2020: Connecting youth-led innovation to agri-food sector Duration of the Call : 15 September 2020 -08 November 2020 Global AgriInno Challenge 2020 is coming!
Youth led-innovative solutions can help addressing today’s challenges in the agri-food sector
FAO and Zhejiang University are launching the call for participation to the 'Global AgriInno Challenge 2020' in Zhejiang Province, China, focused on harnessing innovation solutions in response to the ...
Digital Innovation Dialogue on ‘FAO-UNDP Youth Digital Solution for Food and Agriculture’ showcases the importance of Youth in digital transformation times
Rome- On Wednesday the 29th July 2020, the 9th Session of FAO’s Digital Innovation Dialogue on Youth Digital Solution for Food and Agriculture showcased the synergies between FAO and UNDP Global Cen...
FAO and UNDP host the first virtual Digital Innovation Dialogue on Youth Digital Innovation Solutions for Food and Agriculture
The 9th Session Digital Innovation Dialogue roadshows selected FAO innovation challenge winners and UNDP finalists of the Cultiv@te programme as teams pitch their solutions.
DIGITAL INNOVATION DIALOGUE : SESSION 9 FAO-UNDP Youth Digital Solutions for Food and Agriculture
FAO and UNDP cordially invites interested individuals to the Digital Innovation Dialogue : Session 9 - FAO/UNDP Digital Solutions for Food and Agriculture. The dialogue will be held on the 29th of Ju...
We live in a time of digital transformation and it is driving change in all areas. Agriculture is no exception. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic has increased food insecurity globally,
The Digital Innovation Dialogue on Farmer Digital Identity and Ownership successfully held
The Food and Agriculture Organization held the first Digital Innovation Dialogue for 2020 at the FAO HQ to discuss the Farmer Digital Identity and Data Ownership and the event saw more than 40 people ...
Digital Innovation Dialogue: Session 8 Farmer Digital Identity and Data Ownership
FAO Information and Technology Division(CIO) welcomes you to join the 8th Digital Innovation Dialogue on Farmer Digital Identity and Data Ownership on Monday, 2 March 2020 from 14:30-16:00 hours in th...
Invitation to the Digital Innovation Dialogue: Session 8 Farmer Digital Identity and Data Ownership
In 2019, CIO organized seven sessions of Digital Innovation Dialogue which saw more than 400 people participating.
FAO hosts Digital Innovation Dialogue on blockchain for sustainability in agriculture
Rome. 10 December 2019. The IT Division in FAO hosted the Digital Innovation Dialogue session on blockchain for sustainability in agriculture where Foodcoin, AgriLedger, Ripe and FAO presented their b...
Digital Innovation Dialogue on Blockchain for Sustainability in Agriculture
This Digital Innovation Dialogue will address the opportunities and challenges of using blockchain-based systems in agriculture,
Invitation - Digital Innovation Dialogue on Blockchain for Sustainability in Agriculture
INVITATION – DIGITAL INNOVATION DIALOGUE: China’s Approaches and Experiences in Digital Agriculture and Digital Rural Area – 11 OCTOBER 2019, 10:00-11:30– IRAN ROOM,
FAO DIGITAL INNOVATION DIALOGUE: Session 6 - China’s Approaches and Experiences in Digital Agriculture and Digital Rural Area
DIGITAL INNOVATION DIALOGUE: Session 6 - China’s Approaches and Experiences in Digital Agriculture and Digital Rural Area
In recent years, China has made great efforts to promote the integration of the internet, big data, artificial intelligence with the development of agriculture and rural areas
DIGITAL INNOVATION DIALOGUE: Session 6 - China’s Approaches and Experiences in Digital Agriculture and Digital Rural Area
In recent years, China has made great efforts to promote the integration of the internet, big data, artificial intelligence with the development of agriculture and rural areas
FAO hosts Digital Innovation Dialogue session 4: Digital Transformation and Gender Equality
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development emphasizes the importance of gender equality and empowerment of all women and girls (SDG 5).
DIGITAL INNOVATION DIALOGUE: Session 4 - Digital Transformation and Gender Equality
DIGITAL INNOVATION DIALOGUE: Session 4 - Digital Transformation and Gender Equality